Supplying Prescription Eyeglasses
Early on, IEC recognized the need to be efficient and timely in supplying prescriptive eyeglasses in correctional settings. In response, IEC created its ’s own optical lab and as such is able to supply eyeglasses to meet the optical needs of every patient and the security needs of any correctional facility. IEC supplies a selection of standard male and female styles in multiple sizes to meet the functional eyeglass needs of any patient. They fabricate finished eyeglasses from prescriptions originated from the site. Equally important, we offer and provide frames that contain no metal which helps prevent glasses from becoming weaponized. With few exceptions, standard eyeglass orders are shipped in less than three business days of order receipt. For ease of ordering, prescriptions can be placed by US Mail, Fax or encrypted E-mail.
IEC employs ABOC certified opticians for eyeglass fabrication, testing and inspection duties. Our Pennsylvania lab is equipped with pattern less Santinelli edging equipment allowing tolerances to within 0.1 millimeters which greatly exceeds all current standards. All prescription eyeglasses meet or exceed ANSI Z-80 dress safety standards and FDA dress safety requirements. Prescription lenses are clear plastic single vision or ST-28 bifocals. Tints, contact lenses and other optical options are not recommended and only provided when medically indicated and approved.
Because of our experience in correctional settings, we recognize the necessity of uniformity. To that end, upgraded frames styles and other options will be provided only when medically indicated or approved in advance by the facility’s medical leadership. In addition, IEC frames carry a one year guarantee against breakage due to manufacturing defect. IEC also tries to be pro-active in educating its patients. To that end, all completed eyeglasses come with a “Vision Safety Notice” to the patient. By providing in writing the expectations and limitations of their new eyeglasses this notice affords the facility, examining optometrist, and IEC a further degree of liability protection.
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