A Full-service Vision Health Provider
Founded in 1983, Institutional Eye Care (IEC) has become the nation’s largest correctional full-service vision health provider. As focused as IEC is on providing vision health, we are equally aware of the role we play to assist with public safety. From the materials we offer, to the professional staff we deploy to sites, to the mobile equipment we utilize and have at our disposal, it is to ensure we meet our obligation in contributing to safe environments, while providing onsite care and reducing offsite transports.
At the local, state and federal level, IEC provides services to over 1,000 jails, prisons and detention centers that currently house over 500,000 individuals across all 50 states. In 2000, IEC began providing services internationally. IEC provides a full continuum of care for vision health. IEC is a supplier of eyeglass ware, as well a provider of optometry, ophthalmology and ocular health services to assist with preventive care and disease management. In addition to having an unsurpassed national network of licensed providers, IEC offers a cloud-based data sharing platform, as well as telehealth capabilities and mobile solutions for onsite imaging and testing to further reduce the necessity of many offsite medical appointments.
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