

What We Do

The Country’s Largest and Most Experienced Leader in On-Site Correctional Eye Care since 1983

We offer the full range of vision services: on-site vision including routine eye exams, refractions, dilated retina exams, and ophthalmology diagnosis, and provide affordable prescription eye glasses that meet federal safety standards. We provide all services with in-state licensed optometrists or ophthalmologists.

Rx Eyeglasses for Correctional Facilities

Eye Glass Services

Early on, IEC recognized the need to be efficient and timely in supplying prescriptive eyeglasses in correctional settings.

on-site ocular health for Correctional Facilities

Ophthalmology & Ocular Health Services

IEC is the only provider of such a comprehensive and complete 100% mobile service integrated with web based secure data sharing capability in the country and have been doing so since 2000.

on-site optometry for Correctional Facilities

Optometry Services

IEC can deliver on-site optometry services to virtually any correctional facility in the country.

 Contact Us

Questions? Comments? Reach out to our team.
